Let's make our blogs welcoming and interactive with the use of Blog Post Comments! Here's where you'll get step-by-step instructions with screenshots....
Take your course videos, webinars, coaching calls and more and turn them into 40+ valuable assets. Use them to market your business. It's all included...
Are you a small business owner who finds Google Analytics/GA-4 to be overkill for your website statistics needs? Here's my review of another option I ...
Check out Marketing Magic and see if you agree that it's a must-have for digital business owners, especially solopreneurs.
TL;DR Marketing Magic is a...
I love how bloggers are so innovative. If they see an issue for themselves or their readers, they get creative and come up with a solution! 💛
For ins...
How does new-kid-on-the-block Tella compare with industry-leading Loom as a screen recorder for your course videos? Read my review and see if you agre...
Come read my Kajabi story and see if you can relate - to that feeling of being burnt out, drowning in your tech stack, and wanting to simplify your bu...
Happy to ditch WordPress for Kajabi but missing some plugins? Learn how to add functionalities to your Kajabi site and blog. Elfsight is low-cost and ...
Take a look at Kajabi's new Coaching feature and Coaching Accelerator limited-time promo! Start a coaching business or streamline the one you have wit...
Since there's a blog feature baked right in to Kajabi and we all have access to it, I wanted to take some time and explain why all businesses should...
Neil Patel Says You MUST Blog. He asked what do we think has helped him the most in building his brand? Answer: Blogging
Top-of-the-line speaker...
Here's how to enable a Pinterest "Pin It" button on your Kajabi blog. In fact, it'll work on your whole site! This makes it easy for people to pin s...
On your Kajabi blog, there are 2 main ways to enable Comments, i.e., to give readers the ability to leave comments on your blog posts: 1. Facebook c...
One of the best ways to get traffic to your Kajabi site is via Pinterest. You may think of Pinterest as "just for fun" or a "social media channel" b...