Kajabi Hero Live 2024: Complete Schedule of Events (Update #2)

courses & learning kajabi conference Oct 15, 2024
Kajabi Hero Live 2024 Los Angeles agenda

Hey hey, if you're attending Kajabi Hero Live 2024 in LA, you've probably been on the lookout for some sort of schedule of events ... an agenda if you will. Well, as always, if it has to do with Kajabi, I got ya' covered πŸ‘πŸΌ


Here you go! The complete summit schedule for the Kajabi Hero Live event happening in Los Angeles, California from Thursday, October 24 through Saturday, October 26, 2024!



This is the most recent version I've seen shared by Kajabi. I'll keep the agenda in this post updated if any other versions are published. You know how things can change right up to the last minute! (This is why I do NOT envy event planners or coordinators, yikes). 

DISCLAIMER: If you're attending KHL 2024, it's your responsibility to stay tuned to Kajabi's updates and if you're late or miss an event, don't @ me, ha!




This is the 3rd post in a series re: the super exciting "Kajabi Hero Live" event taking place in Los Angeles, CA from Thursday 10-24 to Saturday 10-26-24. Links to all KHL-related posts are:

Kajabi Hero Live Austin 2023: Everything You Need to Know

Kajabi Hero Live 2024: Speakers, Schedule, and More (Update #1)

Kajabi Hero Live 2023: Complete Schedule of Events (Update #2)


If this is your first time visiting the KajabiLand blog ... well, first of all, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, FRIEND? You've been missing out on the, ahem, BEST Kajabi blog on the internet. Welcome!

Better late than never, amiright? 



But if you haven't yet read any of my super-informative posts about KHL 2024, just click on the links above. I'd definitely suggest reading the posts in order. It's a lot of info to assimilate. {Yes, you're welcome to skim and just find the one bit of info you're looking for; I won't be butt-hurt}.

There's a ton of KHL '24 information in that first post and also an explanation of what Kajabi is (if you're not already a Kajabian). Def start there, yeah?


Kajabi Hero Live 2024 in Century City aka Los Angeles is going to be THE best conference I've ever been to. I can already feel it and I'm so excited to go!



Okay, back to the post 😊
Now that we've covered the "WHEN", let's move on to the "WHERE" of Kajabi Hero Live LA (2024):

  • Where the conference is being held
  • Where to go while you're in Los Angeles 


Kajabi Hero Live 2024 Location

Kajabi always has their conferences in upscale hotels, which has its pros and cons

  • Kajabi Impact Summit (2019) - Hotel Irvine
  • Kajabi Hero Live Austin (2023) - Fairmont Austin
  • Kajabi Hero Live Los Angeles (2024) - Fairmont Plaza, Century City


The Cons? There's really only one:

The price. When you pay $1K+ to attend a conference, some of us are already stretched. Then add $300-400+/night hotel rooms (even if you don't stay at the host hotel) x 3 to 4 nights, and you're looking at spending over $2,000 - not including food, drinks, sightseeing, and transportation.

I'm lucky; I've been able to drive to all 3 Kajabi conferences so far; I'll probably spend about $150 in gas this time. But people come from all over the world (see below); I can't imagine how much some people must spend. So just to say, the price of a fancy-dancy hotel on top of all the other costs could be considered a Con. But, sorry, that's all I got for the "con" column πŸ˜†


The Pros? There are a few:

1. Customer-centric

"Oh darn, I have to stay in a luxury hotel for 3-4 days. Twist my arm why dontcha?" I never stay in places like this normally (even if $300/night were no hardship, I wouldn't pay it, lol). So it's a once-a-year treat for me; I just let myself enjoy it.

(Psst!! Don't forget to ask your accountant if your conference and travel expenses including hotel are tax deductible! And you can use a biz credit card with travel rewards to recoup some of your expenditures).

2. Branding

It elevates Kajabi's brand, especially to their newer customers who aren't sure quite yet where to place them in their mind. Classy venue = classy company. I joined Kajabi in 2016 and attended their first conference in 2019. It was at Hotel Irvine, an expensive boutique hotel (since bought out by Hyatt). I walked into the lobby and said to myself, "Okay, Kajabi. I see you ..." You know what I mean? You can't help but elevate your thinking of a brand when they give off a luxury vibe with the choices they make. πŸ’ŽπŸ’΅πŸ’Ž

3. Marketing

Nice hotels with nice bars and nice restaurants and nice rooms and nice meeting spaces look really nice on social media :) They are selfie-friendly and in today's marketing world, that's super smart. Kajabi is no fool. They know all of OUR social media followers will be more impressed to see Kajabi associated with a Fairmont luxury hotel than with a Best Western or Homewood Suites.


Fun little side note: I'm always amazed at how far people travel from to attend Kajabi conferences. Between KHL 2023 and 2024, I know of people who attended from Italy, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Africa, Canada, France, and all over the United States.

At these conferences, it's so fun to not only learn about Kajabi and marketing but getting to learn about people's lives and businesses from all over the world is exciting!


17 Fun Facts about The Fairmont Century Plaza Hotel

  1. The original hotel was referred to as the "Hotel of the Future" when it was built in 1966.
  2. Back then, the Century Plaza was the only hotel to have color TVs in every room, and they beat everyone else out by 10 years.
  3. The Century Plaza Hotel is built on part of the former Fox Movie Studio lot.
  4. The Fox Studio land parcel was sold off after the Elizabeth Taylor/Richard Burton movie "Cleopatra" cost so much to make and the studio needed money.
  5. It was called "The Western White House" during the Reagan presidency because Ronnie being from California, he spent a lot of time there for various meetings and events. (Fun fact squared: I have a family member who worked for Ronald Reagan when he was the California Governor!)
  6. The Century Plaza was the site of the first Presidential State Dinner outside of the White House. President Nixon hosted an event to welcome home the Apollo 11 astronauts.
  7. Every US President since Nixon has stayed or visited.
  8. It was the tallest building in Century City for a time at 19 stories.
  9. The hotel rebuild that was completed in 2022 included everything except the outer walls; it was a complete redo!
  10. The two Century Plaza towers to the South are all condos.
  11. The condos were originally slated to be built instead of rebuilding the hotel but the project changed to include both the hotel AND the condos, phew!
  12. The hotel is now a protected historic landmark so no more risk of being lost to developers again.
  13. The Century Plaza Hotel has a rooftop pool and every guest room has a balcony - sweet!
  14. There used to be 800 rooms; there are now 400.
  15. The retained ballroom [where I think we'll be having our main KHL events from the stage!] has a lot of history. For instance, the Grammy's have taken place there; Sonny and Cher Show used to be broadcast from there; Paul McCartney played from the ballroom; and the Rolling Stones have been there.
  16. Some rooms see the skyline of LA down to Santa Monica. If you're on the side where you can look through the CAA building [major Hollywood agents], you can see the famous Hollywood sign on hill in distance! #iconic
  17. The "California French Brasserie" in the Century Plaza is unique, with no other restaurant or bar like it in this part of LA.

How did I learn so much about the event hotel for Kajabi Hero Live 2024? I watched a YouTube video, of course! This is the one. You'll hear the hotel facts again but it's worth it to see the video of this amazing hotel. You're going to get even more excited to stay there!!



Restaurant at the Fairmont Century Plaza for KHL 2024

If you're like me and a picky choosy difficult selective eater, you may want to pre-check the menu online. So I found it for you: The Lumiere Menu. ("Lumiere" means "light" (the noun or verb) in French).

In case you didn't take French in school and are wondering how to pronounce "Lumiere," in my research for this post, I heard hotel employees on video say both "loo-meer" and "loo-mee-ir".

But in French, wouldn't it be "loom-yeyr"?? This pronunciation YouTube says I'm right. So it's a risk either way. I wish you luck with that πŸ‡«πŸ‡· I will probably just say "the restaurant." "I'm going to the restaurant. Want to meet at the bar there after?"

Or let's give it a nickname that only the kool Kajabi kids know, like "The Light" or The Joint or The Sparkle Cafe' ✨✨✨ Okay, I'll admit the nickname needs some workshopping but we're marketers. WE CAN DO THIS.


Things to Do in Los Angeles - while you're in town for Kajabi Hero Live 2024

Okay, the last thing I'll address in this post, since it's getting quite long, is to answer the question: Where should I go or what should I do while I'm in Los Angeles?

I'm going to make this really easy for you: Use Viator.com. It's my go-to website whenever I'm planning a trip anywhere. My family and friends use it too and everyone has only had amazing experiences.

The most recent Viator.com tour we did was a walking food tour of Little Italy in San Francisco. (It was my Christmas gift last year from someone who knows how much of an Italophile I am; good call!). Holy cow, was that an amazing afternoon!





The guide was super fun and friendly. He learned all of our names, gave city and neighborhood history as we walked, helped us order the yummiest food and drinks at each place we stopped, chatted with and was clearly good friends with all of the restaurant and store owners, and even scored us free samples above and beyond what were promised with the tour. I had some of the best espresso, arancini, and pizza I've ever tasted 🀀

Suffice it to say, there's no WAY we could've replicated anywhere near that experience if we'd just walked around Little Italy on our own, right? So I highly highly recommend getting a food tour in LA if you can - super diverse culinary choices here, of course - or do a guided bike ride, hike, or walk, a museum tour (the GETTY!!), or something equally fun or adventurous on Viator.



Enjoy the beautiful fall weather in Los Angeles which is possibly much nicer than late October where you live (?). And my general advice when visiting any city ... MANGIA! MANGIA! (eat)


Viator Tours for KHL Attendees in Los Angeles

Here are some ideas or examples I pulled just so you can see what kinds of things are available via Viator.com. You can either click the green Book Now buttons and book directly from here, or just head on over to Viator and search up exactly what you're looking for.

As you can see, there's a variety of things to choose from and the prices are reasonable, way LESS than I've paid for tours with other companies. 



Okay, happy touring! Please let me know if you need any assistance with Viator; happy to help! 


Okay, phew! Ima let you go now. If you're going to Kajabi Hero Live 2024 in Los Angeles/Century City, I'll see you there!! If you're just reading for fun, well, you're sunk now, aren't ya'? Kajabi and I have won you over, huh? Pretty much no choice but to attend next year (wink). 




PS: Yankees @ Dodgers World Series games, Friday 10-25 and Saturday 10-26 at 5:08pm. If you've had a good year with your Kajabi income, I'm just sayin' ... πŸ§’βšΎοΈπŸŽ‰