kajabi how to

Kajabi How To: Embed a Scheduler for Your Coaching or Service Business

Jan 22, 2020

If you want more beach days 🌴, you need to automate. One of the easiest ways to automate business for service providers and coaches is to use a scheduler for your calls, Zoom sessions, even in-person meetings (tho' those are on pause for now, of course ... but we WILL get back to normal).



You're already on the right track by utilizing Kajabi; the trick is to use it to its full capacity including little tricks like embedding a scheduler.

As a Kajabi user, you'll notice that there's no inherent appointment scheduling calendar but that's fine because awesome solutions already exist like Calendly, Acuity, Book Like a Boss, etc.

My favorite of those solutions is Acuity Scheduling so I'm going to show you an easy way to embed your scheduler right into your offerings, contact, or home page on your Kajabi site. 


Unfamiliar with Kajabi? It's an amazing all-in-one solution to run your online business. You can house your website, blog, courses, membership, landing and sales pages, signup forms, email marketing, funnels, and more. If you'd like more information, HERE is an informative post! Let me know what questions you have after reading it: [email protected]


It may sound intimidating to embed a scheduler but it's okay. It's really easy and I'm going to walk you through it, step-by-step. Here's what ya' do ...


In Acuity:

1. Create/log in to your free or paid AcuityScheduling.com account.

2. From the menu on the left, choose Client Scheduling Page > Customize Appearance.


3. Complete all the settings how you want them specific to your business, add your logo, etc.

4. Save Changes

5. Home > Client Scheduling Page > Scheduling Page Link > Direct Links & Embedding

6. Embed Scheduler > Copy


In Kajabi: 

1. From the Dashboard, click Website

2. Create a new Page or edit an existing one > Customize

3. Add a Custom Content section to the Page

4. Add a Custom Code section to the Custom Content section

5. Paste the Acuity embed code in the Custom Code section

6. Adjust the Container Width as needed; I used 12/12


7. Save and Preview


If You Want to Change Anything About the Calendar

1. Go back to Acuity and re-do steps 3-6 from above.

2. Copy the revised embed code and paste it into the Kajabi Custom Code section.

3. Save again

Note: If you make any changes in Acuity, you need to update the embed code in Kajabi for those changes to take effect.


Test Your New Acuity Scheduling Calendar Embed

1. Go to an incognito window or to a different browser than the one you've been working in.


2. Act as a client would and book an appointment with yourself :D

3, Make sure you receive the notifications, etc. as you would expect.

Once it looks and performs the way you want, you're done! Any time in the future you want to change anything, just go back to steps 3-6 and copy/paste a new embed code into your page.


Embedding Your General Scheduler vs. A Specific Appointment Type

The instructions above are to embed your general scheduler which means that all appointment types you have set as Public will be available for scheduling on your Kajabi page. If you only want to embed a specific appointment type, the process is a little different. 

Instead of doing "In Acuity" Step 5 above, you'd do Home > Appointment Types > choose the Appointment Type you want to embed > Direct Scheduling Link > Embed Scheduler. Then copy the embed code and paste it into your Custom Code section in Kajabi, just like above.



Okay, you did it! Congratulations on embedding an Acuity appointment scheduler right into your Kajabi site. Now your clients/potential clients will have a consistent, branded experience as they book an appointment without having to leave your site. Well done! 

Please email me with any questions or if you get stuck! [email protected]



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