2021 planner round-up 100+ planners for creative solopreneurs erika friday
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Biggest 2021 Planner Round-Up! 100+ Planners for Creative Solopreneurs

Nov 17, 2020

Are you looking for a 2021 day planner? Here's the most extensive list of digital & paper planners on the internet. Chances are you can find your perfect planner here.



NOTE 11-09-21: I won't be publishing a planner roundup for 2022 planners. However, this 2021 list should still be super helpful as many of the links will work, or at least get you to the correct website for 2022 planners for each company. xo


Are you looking for a 2021 day planner? Here's the most extensive list of digital and paper planners on the internet. Creative entrepreneurs, moms, teachers, and others can find their perfect planner here.

Note: If the planner images are "squished" on your device, please turn it to horizontal mode for a better viewing experience :)


There Are SO Many Choices of Digital and Paper Planners

All year long, I track new planners so that in November - when planner hunting season starts, lol - I can have the most comprehensive list ready for you. This year, I've curated over 100 planners for you to check out! I'll add more 2021 planners as I hear of them, so this number will rise.

When I started doing my annual planner round-up for 2017 planners, there were "only" 70-something. In 2018's post, we started with 101 and ended up with 113, and so on. 

Let's see how many we can add to this post for 2021 - wahoo! If you know of any planners I’ve missed, please leave a comment below - or send me a note at [email protected] - and I'll add them.

Planner vendors - If you have any discounts or specials you can offer my readers, please contact me! [email protected] and I'll add it to the post. Thanks!


Click the Name of the Planner to See It

I've included a link to each planner's website so you can learn more about their line. Some of these links are affiliate links. This means if you click the link and make a purchase, I may receive a commission for referring you. I've also included a few discounts!


Planners Are So Flowy ...

This is the fifth year of my "mega planner post" and each year I definitely notice some turnover. Although it's sad when some planners we've grown to love disappear, there ARE always new ones to take their place and then some. 

It sure is fun to see all the (mostly female) entrepreneurs making and selling their own planners. Most of them had a specific need for a planner that wasn't being met in the market, so they decided to just create one themselves.  


There's Only Room for One Planner Image

One photo to represent each planner, that is. If you're seriously browsing/shopping, it's imperative that you click on each link to see the full compliment of what they offer.

Each planner website has a lot more information to help you decide - alternate versions and sizes, product videos, free and paid printable versions, not to mention their pricing. 

So please don’t just go by what’s shown here; click the link and see all the goods ...


Tip: Many of the planner sites provide a discount if you sign up for their e-mail list. They'll also send out their free shipping specials, printables, etc. It's a great way to save money and also get the most from your planner. 


The Variety of Planners is Astounding!

There are so many choices now, it's quite amazing. You can find planners geared toward teachers, moms, creatives, small business owners, corporate, bloggers, even yogis. There's also a large variety of what and how you can track with planners - like daily vs weekly vs monthly, health goals, business goals, financial goals, and more.  


The "Best" Planner?

People often ask “what’s the best planner?” I believe there's no such thing as the best planner, just the best planner for YOU. We all have different items to track, different needs for amount of space to write, different design sense, etc. So what works for me may not work for you.

That's why I take the time to provide SOOOOO many options: Because I want you to find YOUR ideal planner, not the one everyone else seems to like or the one with the biggest advertising budget. There truly is a "best" planner out there for each of us!


Not Just the Usual Paper Planners

Some planners are interactive and creative with stickers and other accessories you can add. Others are "just business" and help you get the job done. Some are looseleaf while others are bound, and there are many printable pages and paper pads as well. Some planners are straightforward and others require instructions and have a whole philosophy behind them.

I hope this is a great resource that helps you to choose your perfect planner. If you have any questions, I'm happy to help. Now settle in: You're about to go down the planner rabbit hole 😂  Holler if we need to send help! (or more coffee) ☕️



Biggest 2021 Planner Round-Up: Over 100 Planners for Creative Solopreneurs

 And here we gooooooo!!!


Action Day





 Amber Slocum

Amber has a shop full of planners and this one seems especially helpful!



Amelia Lane



Artful Agenda

Ashley Shelly



At a Glance

At a Glance has lots of other planners but this one - a partnership with Emily Ley? - looks extra cool.



Ban.do Agenda

Best Planner Ever



Best Today Guide


Big Picture










Blue Sky  


 Brownline Daily


Bullet Journal



Bulletproof Business Planner




Commit 30



Content Planner



 Daily Greatness

* Get 5% off with use of my referral link!



Danielle LaPorte / Desire Map



Day Designer





Define My Day



Do Less Planner



Dream Life Designer



Effic Planner


Ellagant Studios



Emma Kate Co.


Empower + Attain

EPIC Blog Planner



Erin Condren



Full Focus




Goal Planner


Get to Work Book


Golden Coil



Green & Lyme



Happiness Planner



Happy Planner by MAMBI



Hey Jessica Digital Planners



High Note








I Heart Planners



InkWELL Press






Ink + Volt



Ivory Paper Co



Joyful Life


Kahootie Co.

This has been my personal planner-of-choice for the last 5 years. I absolutely love it! Kahootie's Home & Work Life Planner lets you keep all your home stuff on one side and your work stuff on the other, instead of everything being jumbled together. I also really appreciate the weekly To Do lists - right on the same page as all my day planning. I keep this open on my desk or the kitchen counter and I always know what's going on in my work life and my family life 😂




Karen Avila


Kit Life




Lara Casey PowerSheets

I bought 2021 Powersheets and am so excited to use them! I share a lot of great info here: Review: "2021 PowerSheets Planner" for Motivation and Goal Setting





Law of Attraction




Life & Apples


Life Planner


Lilly Pulitzer


Living Well



May Designs



Modern Woman's Business Planner



Mom Agenda



My PA Planner

If you'd like a free PDF copy of the My PA Planner, you can download it here



Natalie Rebecca





Orange Circle Studio


Panda Planner





Paperhouse Productions



 Passion Planner


Photographer's Planner




Planned and Proper




Planner Pad


Plum Paper Designs

As of publish date, all planners currently displayed at Plum Paper show 2018 but the descriptions say 2020-2021 (aka they need to update their images).





Posey Paper Co


Pretty Simple



Print & Go




Purple Trail

 Use code ErikaFriday for 10% off anything on the site. Thanks Purple Trail!


Purposeful Planner



Push Journal



Quo Vadis



Rainbow Vision



 Restored 316 Business Planner 


Business Planner by Restored 316




Rifle Paper Co.


Rituals for Living Dreambook and Planner



 Savor Life




Savvy Bee


 Self Planner


She Plans




S.O.S. Planner



Spaces Planner 


Start Planner



 This Is My Era



Tools 4 Wisdom






Visionary Journal

Vision Success Planner



If you're more into wall calendars, check out NeuYear. net, Calendars.com, and Lindsay Letters.

There you have it: A huge variety of paper and digital planners, planner pads, and calendars for creative solopreneurs from over 100 companies!

Again, if you know of any planners I’ve missed, please let me know in Comments or e-mail [email protected] so I can add them! Also, let me know which were your favorites or what did you buy? 


Happy Planning! 💗



PS: I would love if you'd share this post with your friends, co-workers, Tweet it out, Pin it, share it in your favorite Facebook groups, etc. Lots of people are looking for planners and they'll love you for sharing this amazing resource. Thanks!

PSS: Planner vendors - If you have any discounts or specials you can offer my readers, please contact me! [email protected] and I'll add it to the post. Mwuh!



Agree, disagree, have a question? Please leave a comment👇🏼

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